Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Major Award

 I was having a drink with my lovely friend Howard and others and we got into a discussion about "the next generation" and how entire sections of it seem to be giving up while others are thriving.  It reminded me to perservere.
 I DID get my article prompts all summarized.  Next?  Writing a standardized interview format that I can use to jumpstart the process of assembling my first edition.
Do I deserve a prize for actually moving forward? No, but it IS a step in the right direction.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I call this meeting to order

Back from a week off.  Coming up for air after wading through paperwork.  Tapped my beloved husband's skill set.  "hey Honey, aren't you a certified Project Planner?  Should we maybe (gulp!) draw up a plan to get this done?"

Had a great time brainstorming ideas of article ideas.

Came up with 40+ victims, uh, Creatives to feature.  It was a lot of fun putting on our thinking hats (like my babe below!) and reviewing all of the people that we know who really USE their creative abilities in ways that don't involve an easel or paint!

Have tasked myself to review all of my material tonight and make sure I have the outlines for interviews and profiles.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Do as I say, not as I do...

   In keeping with my "Do as I say, not as I do tradition"  (read about it here!/2012/07/bob-is-best-soooo.html ) since my last November blog post I have been convincing my husband to quit his job, helping 2 friends redecorate their homes, running my business through the holiday season, financing my daughter's trip to Japan and basically doing everything BUT working on getting this magazine launched.  I had a grandiose notion that my blog posts would be teasers for full fledged articles, (as the one for Beth below WILL BE DARNIT!) but, uuuhhhh  hasn't happened. 
Thinking back to when I worked in a very demanding, straight commission headhunting sales development environment, I remembered what I used to say to the staff I helped coach "don't worry the results, the only thing you can directly control is the effort, THAT's what you track.  That is what you work on.  Do the work, make the connections and the projects, the deals will come together".

So, I have made the command decision that this blog will be my public "checklist".  Please nag me if I don't keep it up, ok?